Artist’s Way Workshop

13 Week Workshop Series with a Trauma-Informed Lens

Register now to join my Fall 2024 online workshop series, exploring The Artist's Way through a trauma-informed perspective. Over 13 weeks, we will delve into the creative process, uncovering barriers that hinder artistic expression. This series will meet weekly on Monday evenings (6:30pm-7:30pm EST) from September 16th to December 9th.

This online series offers a safe space to share your struggles, brainstorm ideas, and receive valuable feedback. As a music psychotherapist and creative coach, Rye deeply understands the frustrations and inner-roadblocks that can hinder creativity. In this group, they will offer support to help you find solutions and motivate your Inner Artist Self. Whether you're a writer, musician, dancer, visual artist, comedian, filmmaker, performer, or a person wanting to get in touch with their creative side, this group is here to help you connect with fellow artists facing creative challenges, as well as provide support and inspiration.

Using Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" as the series guide from a trauma-informed and critical lens, we will use the book's framework for our prompts and reflections while exploring the ways in which the book is problematic, offensive, and at times - oppressive. We'll explore various techniques, exercises, and mindset shifts to help reignite your artistic spark and address what may not be serving you creatively, while acknowledging the issues of the book and its limited perspective.

Don't let artist block hold you back - and don't feel like you have to face it alone. Join this supportive group and connect deeper with your creativity and the art of creative living. Register now to reserve your spot! Only 15 spots available.



includes thirteen 1-hour workshop meetings, incorporating creative support, education, and teaching materials to keep

Email to avoid paying eventbrite fees, or for payment plans if this would be financially supportive.

*It is important to note that although I am a board certified music therapist and hold a master's degree in this field, these workshop classes are not therapy. While my work is informed by my psychotherapy background, I do not provide therapy or treat diagnoses in this workshop.


“Rye creates an inclusive, gentle, and nurturing creative environment I would recommend to anyone. They are an exemplary caregiver to the inner artist children we all carry, and is a steadfast source of support. They have helped me recognize my own needs, desires, and boundaries as both an artist and a human being. Rye is an excellent trauma-informed coach that helps facilitate growth—but never at all costs.”


“Rye fosters such a safe and inspiring creative space for artists! I took the artists way workshop and want to take it again immediately!”


“I attended one of Rye's Artist Way Workshops and loved it. I felt safe and supported as a participant to stretch myself creatively, explore my blocks, and claim more of dreams as an artist. They have a gentle and knowledgeable approach that makes it easy to trust in the process of healing.”


“I LOVED the 12-week Artist's Way workshop with Rye! They are an incredibly thoughtful, affirming, trauma-informed facilitator. I appreciated how they offered the book's teaching through a lens of how oppression and capitalism affects everyone's creative capacity differently. I also normally struggle to share my thoughts and feelings in groups but they made it feel really safe and easy to do so!”


“I’m participating in a 12 week creative workshop with Rye and it has been a wonderfully transformative and valuable experience. Rye is a deeply intentional, compassionate and supportive facilitator. I have learned and healed so much just in a few weeks time while in the workshop.”


“This Artist's Way workshop has been a life changing experience for me. Rye creates a space that is welcoming, intentional and supportive for growth and transformation. Using an anti-capitalist lens that acknowledges power/oppression to move through the book was key to me feeling comfortable with the material Julia Cameron presents. This series has been a gift and I highly recommend to anyone desiring a deeper connection with their creativity (even if you don't now consider yourself an artist). I have loved it so much, I will be taking Rye's class for a second time.”